• Photo Album (1910s – 1930s)

    Photo Album (1910s – 1930s)

    Photo album found at an antique store in Boise, Idaho. Date range is an estimate. Exact details of photos are unknown.

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  • Group Portrait – Ireland, 1853

    Group Portrait – Ireland, 1853

    Photographer: John Gregory Crace. The identity of the sitters is not known but the picture is believed to have been taken in the photographic studio of the Duke of Devonshire’s Lismore Castle. Albumen print.

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  • Photo Archive: Philadelphia (1849)

    Photo Archive: Philadelphia (1849)

    The Merchant’s Exchange. Calotype. Signed and sent to Fox Talbot as a sample.

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  • Photo Archive: Paris (1839)

    Photo Archive: Paris (1839)

    Paris Boulevard. Daguerreotype. Sent by Daguerre to the King of Bavaria. This photograph is the first taken of a human being. The original, formerly in the National Museum, Munich, was destroyed during World War II. Samuel F. B. Morse wrote when he saw this daguerreotype, “The boulevard, so constantly filled with a moving throng of…

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  • Photo Archive: Edgar Allan Poe (1848)

    Photo Archive: Edgar Allan Poe (1848)

    Daguerreotype. Taken a year before the poet died. Poe was much enamored of the daguerreotype. In 1840 he wrote, “In truth the dag. plate is infinitely more accurate in its presentation than any painting by human hands.”

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  • Photo Archive: Hamburg, Germany (1843)

    Photo Archive: Hamburg, Germany (1843)

    Outing of the Hamburg Art Club. Daguerreotype.

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  • Hagerman, Idaho Saloon (early 1900s)

    Hagerman, Idaho Saloon (early 1900s)

    From Arthur A. Hart’s Camera Eye on Idaho: “This obviously posed picture in Billy Coltharp’s saloon at Hagerman must have been inspired by Wild West movies of the early 1900s. The lighting effects are unusually beautiful.”

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  • Boise’s Social Elite (1890s)

    Boise’s Social Elite (1890s)

    From Arthur A. Hart’s Camera Eye on Idaho: “The fashionable young set of Boise’s social elite posed on the front steps of Thomas Jefferson Davis’ Victorian house in the late nineties. Davis made his fortune in fruit culture and real estate.”

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